Thank you for your message!
We will use the data you provided in the form to contact you as soon as possible.
In the meantime, it may be useful for you to read the rules we must follow together for everyone’s safety:
- Respect the time of your appointment so that using the waiting room is minimalș this way you will also allow disinfection and airing of the clinic after each patient.
- The mask is MANDATORY, as is its correct wearing inside the clinic, when interacting with the staff, keeping the recommended distance of at least 1.5 meters during the discussion.
- Upon access to the clinic, hand disinfection is carried out at the entrance and whenever necessary with the disinfectants made available.
- Upon access to the clinic, you will fill in an epidemiological triage questionnaire to identify possible carriers or people infected with the SARS-Cov-2 virus, respectively to prevent new illnesses, both of the medical staff and of other patients.
!!! If you have symptoms of virosis / cold (sneezing, coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath and / or fever ≥37,3⁰C, ) in the past 10-14 days or you have had direct contact with sick or quarantined people, please notify by phone for rescheduling. - The access of attendants is not allowed – except for minor patients and persons with disabilities or health problems that require caregiver.
- The payment of our services will be made by card as much as possible.
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Iași, Șos. Păcurari nr. 70, Parter